Thursday, December 16, 2010


So I haven't been feeling the greatest... part of it is the LOVELY negative temperatures here in Minnesota.  They do not go well with my arthritis and lung issues.  Anyways, besides that I have been really tired, thirsty all the time, going the the bathroom every ten minutes, and my skin has been EXTREMELY dry and itchy.  So... what we thought was a UTI, actually isn't.  So... I had to go in to have MAJOR blood tests yesterday morning, as the red flag went up when the looked at my symptoms that I might have Type 2 diabetes, that was induced by the prednisone.  Perfect timing... right a sugar freak during the holidays becoming diabetic.  I kept thinking God has a funny sense of humor! :)

Anyways, luckily for me all my blood tests came back negative, except my Vitamin D is really low, which it is every winter :)  So... don't know why I don't feel that well, but so far all my organs and everything checks out to be normal from their perspective.  I'm suppose to give it a month, as they think it is due to the prednisone being flushed out of my system.  I've lost 30 pounds since July, and it continues to drop.  25 more and I'm back to me :) smiles!  I have my goal, as Molly's wedding is the end of August and I want to look as normal and healthy as possible... fingers crossed! 

So... now tomorrow I just have to wait and see if all my numbers from the rheumotology office cleared and the fact that I get to remain OFF prednisone.  Always seems to be something, but in the end, as long as I don't have to go back up on prednisone, I'm a happy camper.

Hope everyone is enjoying holidays!  Its hard to believe that its Christmas next week!  Chris and I are looking forward to spending CHRISTMAS IN IOWA! :) First time I've been home for Christmas Eve in 5 years.  I can't wait to go late night church service at St. Paul Lutheran Church.  One of my favorite to sit and reflect.

The Evolution of the Fluid Face :)

July 2010

October 2010

 Thanksgiving 2010... with my lil Kiki :)

Beginning of December 2010

Blogger Templates


  1. I think those pictures are AMAZING. Fingers crossed for no more Prednisone for you EVER AGAIN. Sorry you feel icky though, hopefully they can figure out what's going on. I miss you! <3

  2. You look AMAZING! So much to be thankful for this holiday season. Your recovery is always in my prayers!


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